Batflat 1.3.2

Batflat 1.3.2

There is a new update available for Batflat that fixes a fairly significant redirect bug. Previous versions could generate endless redirection loops which made pages indexing by search engines and social networking sites more difficult.

Fixed bugs

All modules that use multilingualism on front have changed: Blog, LangSwitcher, Navigation and Pages. We have improved language detection and redirects associated with it. From now on, there should be no problem with sharing subpages and blog entries on social networking sites.

Besides, we applied minor fixes in other modules. Dashboard has changed the method of downloading content from this blog, in Settings has been modified a link to buy the license, and to the mail template in the Contact module has added the name of the sender.

New method in Image class

The Image class that used to manipulate images has acquired a new method called fit(). It allows you to adjust the image size to the size you have entered. The image will be scaled and cropped accordingly. Usage example:

$img = new \Inc\Core\Lib\Image();
$img->fit($width, $height);

Automatic database column updates

When the database table is updated (UPDATE orINSERT), Query Builder will automatically add the update time to the created_at orupdated_at columns if they exist.